The Romy Wrap is here and you all have blown me away with your response to it! Thank you for that. I wanted to create a feminine top with interesting details that FITS and makes you feel amazing while wearing it. The wrap neckline was a major point of my design focus…getting the wrap to hit at just the right spot in the center front and having it feel secure without being too tight or too modest. I also wanted to eliminate a tie waist. Those always feel uncomfortable around my waist and the ties either slip or are too tight…or both at the same time. I also really hate sewing ties! Is that weird? And they are a pain to manage when hanging clothes. Typing this out I feel slightly extra. So I opted for button closures at the sides. I’m really pleased with how this wrap blouse pattern turned out!

I’m always striving to create great patterns with realistic sizing and options for customization and much of that is accomplished through the testing process (the Romy Wrap is available in US sizes 0-30 with options for B, C, or D cup sizing included). I have been so lucky with all of my patterns to have amazing testers that give great feedback on everything from fit to grammar (and I really, really like hanging out with them in the tester forum!). Testing is usually a volunteer, unpaid process. But this time around—encouraged by conversations happening in the sewing community online—I decided to try a paid pattern testing format for Romy. It meant that my testing group was smaller, but I had a feeling it would make other parts of the process better for testers and myself.

The new format was successful and I will continue to offer payment and fabric stipends for testers on future patterns in development.

Anyway! On to the testers!

Here are finished makes from testers who shared their final photos:

Chloe also did this gorgeous bishop sleeve hack!

Kristine hacked the blouse to have an elastic waist—tutorial coming soon on this one!

September 23, 2020 — Casey Sibley